A Közép-európai szakszervezetek elítélik az ukrán kormány azon intézkedéseit, amelyek sárba tiporják a munkavállalói jogokat!
Miközben az ukrán dolgozók fegyverrel védik az országukat, valamint mindent megtesznek, hogy a közszolgáltatások és a termelés működjön, addig az ukrán kormány leépíti a kollektív munkavállalói jogokat. Ha Ukrajna a közös Európa része kíván lenni, akkor be kell tartania mind az Európai Unió, mind a Nemzetközi Munkaügyi Szervezet (ILO) előírásait.
Az európai szakszervezetek rengeteg segélyt biztosítottak és biztosítanak Ukrajnának, valamint a háború elől menekülő civileknek, de számonkérik és tiltakoznak a nyilvánvaló jogtiprásai ellen, amit az ukrán kormány hajtott végre.
Magyarországról szervezetünk mellett a Magyar Szakszervezeti Szövetség szerepel a határozat aláíró között.
To the President of Ukraine
To the Prime Minister of Ukraine
To the Ukrainian Ambassadors of Central Europe
To the Governments of Central Europe
The trade union confederations of Central Europe discussed the situation in Ukraine at a meeting in September 2022. We expressed our full solidarity with the Ukraine and the Ukrainian people. The support of our trade unions in this regard is not only in words, but also through numerous concrete aid measures that have been and are still being implemented for the benefit of the people of the Ukraine. The Russian attack on the country has been strongly condemned by us since the first day of the war.
Of course, we understand that due to the war, everyday life in Ukraine has had to be restricted with many measures. However, together with our Ukrainian colleagues, the European Trade Union Confederation, and the International Trade Union Confederation, we strongly reject the latest legal changes to the labour law in the Ukraine and the apparent expropriation of trade union property. It is precisely the workers who are the backbone of a country in a war, and it is precisely these people who are working heroically in the hinterlands who are now having their already deficient labour rights further restricted for no reason. This decision is incomprehensible to us and is rightly criticised by the International Labour Organisation and the European Union.
The Ukraine is a candidate for admission to the EU, but the way to this European community of values is not through the increased exploitation of working people, but through the hearts of Ukrainians. We therefore hope that Ukraine will revoke Law No. 5371 (under wartime conditions) and bring the labour law into line with ILO and EU standards. The working people deserve to be taken seriously by their politicians, especially in the Ukraine. Knowing their duties, especially in the crisis, the people also expect the rights they are entitled to.
In solidarity with the workers of Ukraine as well as with the Ukrainian trade unions
Austria – ÖGB
Czech Republic – CMKOS
Croatia – SSSH
Hungary – SZEF
Hungary – MASZS Z
Liechtenstein – LANV
Slovakia – KOZ
Slovenia – ZSSS
Switzerland – SGB